Sometimes it takes a while for me to clarify my thoughts and this has been one of them. I was just so distressed by everything I had been reading it hurt me. I finally clarified in my head what was wrong. HATRED. The sheer hatred I was seeing hurt me deep in my soul and I needed to clear my head. Maybe my head is a little clearer now but that doesn't mean I understand the hate. <br />n<br />nYesterday when the neighbors dog decided to drop by and have a party with my Darlings Wife's chickens it would have been real easy to hate the dog and his owner. With my thoughts whirling around this hate issue I really tried to bring some hate up. With chickens dying and unable to find all of them it should have been easy. I couldn't find it in me. <br />n<br />nWhen I was in about 6th grade, many moons ago, I had a real hard time with my temper. One day I got really mad at another kid and felt hate. In the ensuing fight I literally tried to kill him. He was down and beaten and I continued to kick him until other kids pulled me off. Later after I calmed down I was really afraid. I hated him so bad I was going to kill him. I decided I had to change then, hate had to go. It took me a while but I learned to control my temper and not let hate invade my soul. Am I perfect, no. <br />n<br />nThis might explain why the hatred I have been seeing so scares me. I know where it leads and it's not nice. I really don't understand why this election has brought such hatred out in people. The system worked like our Founding Fathers designed it to. This time around the electoral college and popular vote both went to one side. Calling those who voted for Bush stupid, ignorant rednecks is uncalled for. Taunting people who voted for Kerry and getting in thier face is not how winners act. <br />n<br />nLike <a href="" target="_blank">SB Poet</a> says, the people you are insulting were your neighbors before this election and will be now that its over. I say you get the same amont of respect as you show to other people. Even if you don't respect the desicion your neighbor made, respect his right to make it. That's what our free country is all about.