Between the <a href="" target="_blank">Swift Boat Vet's</a> accusations against Kerry and now the <a href="" target="_blank">documents about Bush</a>, are they or are they not fake, I am all ready really tired of this election. <br />n<br />nThis though really tickeled my fancy.<br />n<br />n<a href="" target="_blank">Bush Guard Documents Fake; Dan Rather: 'Forged documents were planted by the Right'</a><br />n<br />n<i>Dan Rather, the anchor who first reported the memos on 60-minutes II, now claims that the forged documents were planted by right-wing conspirators in the hopes that he would report on them.<br />n <br />n "It's pretty simple." Explained Rather, "They provided the documents to one of my producers with the hopes that I would put them on the show, then they could attack the documents as being forgeries and make me look foolish. Don't you see? Don't you get it? You are all falling into their trap."</i><br />n<br />nI will guarantee <a href="" target="_blank">The Daily Farce</a> is now on my daily read list. Just the kind of relief from the drudery of the news I need.<br />n<br />n<b>The difference between farce and humour in literature is, I suppose, that farce strums louder and louder on one string, while humour varies its note, changes its key, grows and spreads and deepens until it may indeed reach tragic depths. V.S. (Victor Sawdon) Pritchett</b>