With the Democratic National Convention going on that's about all that's in the news. I'm not quite sure why. Everybody knows who the candidate is going to be and all the convention is about is rallying the faithful to the banner, or is it?<br />n<br />nSeems like some candidates, including our own Brian Schweitzer, are <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A14013-2004Jul25.html">afraid</a> to go to the Democratic Convention. Now if you're a proud Democrat, why would you be afraid to go to the parties bellweather event? The only thing I can figure is you must not be real proud of your party affilation if you don't want to go. Even <a href="http://news.myway.com/politics/article/id/416994|politics|07-24-2004::12:04|reuters.html">members</a> of the worlds oldest profession are going to the convention and are not ashamed. What's politics coming to when you're ashamed of your party?<br />n<br />n<b>Ashamed of the many frailties they feel within, all men endeavour to hide themselves, their ugly nakedness, from each other, and wrapping up the true motives of their hearts in the specious cloak of sociableness, and their concern for the public good, they are in hopes of concealing their filthy appetites and the deformity of their desires. Bernard Mandeville</b>