
I wonder why it takes a Legislator that lives almost 300 miles away to start questioning the deal with the <a href="">Hardin Jail</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>A state lawmaker from Butte has asked corrections officials and representatives of Hardin to explain why a $27 million jail was built in the southern Montana city but now sits empty.<br />n<br />nSen. Steve Gallus, a Democrat, wants the officials to appear next Tuesday in Helena before the state Corrections Advisory Council, which he co-chairs.<br />n<br />nHardin officials working with a Texas prison-building consortium last year sought to house out-of-state inmates at the newly built Two Rivers Detention Center.<br />n<br />nThey were blocked by state Attorney General Mike McGrath. He said state law prohibits county jails from signing contracts for out-of-state prisoners.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI've said all along that the local legislators need to get involved in this situation. Now some guy from Butte is. What is wrong with the local Legislators on this issue? Are they afraid if the place opens it will be there home? That's the only thing I can figure.<br />n<br />n<strong>Everyone of us is a wonder. Everyone of us has a story. Kristin Hunter </strong>



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