
I found this very funny and true. Thought you might enjoy it.<br />n<br />n<a href="">How to Talk Farmer<br />nLearn the understated language of those who work the land.</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>“Just a few acres.” On the off chance that you’re a tax assessor, most farmers would rather chew a leg off than tell you how many acres of land they farm, or how many head of cattle they raise. Even asking them is a breach of rural etiquette … kind of like asking your neighbor how much money he has in the bank. If a farmer says he grows “a few acres” of corn or soybeans, he may mean anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand. A rancher who says he raises “a few head” of cattle could well be running hundreds of cows and calves on a spread the size of an island nation in the Caribbean.</blockquote><br />n<br />nMy favorites are “Maybe a quarter-inch.” and “One of these days” with “This food is downright edible” thrown in there.<br />n<br />nI would have to add "In a bit" to this list. This is how I respond to any question involving time. When are you going to (insert whatever here) and my response will be "in a bit." This seems to cover time well for me. <br />n<br />n<strong>I never let my subject get in the way of what I want to talk about. Mark Victor Hansen </strong>



