Carbon Credits

It appears that the Chicago Climate Exchange, whatever that is, is <a href="">going to offer farmers and ranchers</a> a way to sell "carbon credits" to companies that ant to offset their CO2 emissions. This is an interesting idea. Trying to get people to voluntarily do this before the governments step in and make companies do it. <br />n<br />nReading the story the information seems a little sparse to me and I am going to have to look up more information when I get a chance. I don't do a lot of farming so the farming aspects might not be great for me but what are the "grazing practices" that they refer to that might yield some money? That's one of the things I would be curious about. Also, who are these "third party" people who are going to verify this and how much do they charge for their service? I would never say that I would bribe such "third party verifiers" but you know somebody will. Who watches the "third party verifiers" for such things?<br />n<br />nHell, the more I think about this thing the more I want to look up information on this so I can figure out how to be a verifier. That's where the real money stands to be made here. Now get your mind right here, I am not saying it would be great because of the possibility of "bribes," I think this could be a real profitable growth type opportunity if this thing really takes off.<br />n<br />n<strong>Have you ever seen people so ugly that you have to get someone else to verify it? Jeff Foxworthy </strong>



