I was cursed the other day to look for a new pair of work boots. Mine had worn out and I needed a new pair. Nothing worse than trying to find a good pair of work boots. I have a theory on boots, your feet have to carry you a long way in this world so you put very comfortable, high quality shoes on them to help carry the load. I found while looking that trying to find a high quality boot was not easy to do.<br />n<br />nI looked at the design of boots I wanted to try and picked out one that looked well made and was what I wanted. I asked the little lady helping me for the size I needed and when she brought them back I tried them on. They felt like hell, and didn't fit very well. I was disappointed. I went through about 4 other pairs with the same result. They just were not right. I told the person helping me that I wanted to look around a little more. I really studied the boots I had been trying on. I found a label in them, man made materials, made in China. Every one I had tried on was made in china and was made using artificial material. <br />n<br />nI really started looking the boots over like I wanted. Most were made out of the country and I could identify flaws in all of them. Finally I found a really nice pair of boots. The were all natural materials and of all things, they were made in the USA. <a href="http://www.chippewaboots.com/">Chippewa</a> is the brand name. I tried them on and they fit like a glove. They were well made of good looking material and I love them. I have been wearing them a few days now and they are nice.<br />n<br />nI couldn't believe the crappy material the name brand boots I was looking at were made from. Don't these manufacturers have any pride in craftsmanship? I realize that the American buying public loves there cheap goods for low prices so that's what manufacturers make, shoddy workmanship using crappy material to keep the price down. But is it really worth it? Does cheapening your brand name with this kind of product really worth it?<br />n<br />nA quality name and a quality product used to mean something. To me it still does but to most people it doesn't appear to. The cheaper the better. Hurray for <a href="http://www.chippewaboots.com/">Chippewa boots</a> for making a high quality product and being proud of it. I personally am glad to see it.<br />n<br />n<strong>It is quality rather than quantity that matters. Lucius Annaeus Seneca</strong>