Useless Thoughts

Some things that quickly caught my eye.<br />n<br />nWhen did the Doomsday Clock, which was used to show the threat of a nuclear cataclysm, begin to be used to show <a href="">environmental catastrophe</a>? I was not aware of this change, not that I'm in the loop on this one. It seems like an………interesting change.<br />n<br />nDid you know that there is going to be an increase in deaths in affluent households in 2010? That's what <a href="">some people are claiming</a>.<br />n<blockquote>Congress must act to discourage a year of mysterious accidents in affluent households</blockquote><br />nI wonder if they mean that old people will kill themselves or that the heirs will murder them? I don't even know what to say about such a claim. How can they ethically make such a speculation? Alluding to murder or suicide is just unbelievable to me.<br />n<br />nWhy do some lawmakers want to <a href="">do away with same day voter registration</a>? Sure it made for some long lines but it was a success. The people generally like it. What, are they afraid it's going to come back and bite them in the ass next election?<br />n<br />nPeople could be opening a <a href="">fine kettle of fish</a> in respect to water rights. How do you figure priority dates in respect to ground water and over how large of area it might affect things. This could have far reaching implications for our dry corner of the state.<br />n<br />nI've kind of wondered about how the over worked crime lab in the state was going to handle all the DNA samples <a href="">this new law</a> would require. Sounds like they would really have to upgrade the crime lab to do it. Any bets on whether the Legislature will do that? I doubt it, the legislature always like to expand it's workload but not give them any more money to do it with. Typical politicians thinking. Politicians thinking, isn't that an oxymoron?<br />n<br />nDoes anybody know which landing strip the Feds want to close that prompted our Congressman to <a href="">attempt to ban them</a> from doing it to any rural strip? Something like this proposal is always brought about by some action and I would just be curious to know what. Doesn't really make a difference to me, just more useless information for me to mull over.<br />n<br />nTake these useless thoughts and throw them out the window somewhere. That's about all they are good for.<br />n<br />n<strong>He is useless on top of the ground; he ought to be under it, inspiring the cabbages. Mark Twain</strong>