
<a href="" >Antibiotics in cattle a concern for consumers</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote> Just as in humans, the use of antibiotics quickly can help a sick cow return to the pink of health.<br />n<br />nBut in the cattle industry, that isn't the only use of antibiotics.<br />n<br />nSince the 1950s, it's been common to give so-called "sub-therapeutic" doses to cattle throughout much of their lives, a regimen that can lead to an additional 3 percent to 5 percent weight gain.<br />n<br />nThat use of the drug has sparked some consumer concern.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI'm not in the feedlot end of the cattle business so I don't understand the feeding of low-doses of antibiotics. I do worry about antibiotic resistance in humans and animals but I can't say for certain the feeding of low doses to animals is the cause of resistance problems. It sounds reasonable though and it is of concern.<br />n<br />nWhat really interested me about the article is the claim that people, especially dairy producers, routinely ignore drug withdrawal times on medicines. That sounds like a claim I wish they would back up. I always insure that my critters meet any drug withdrawal time listed on the label of medicines on the rare occasion I need to doctor something. Hell there has even been a time or two I wanted to sell a critter but had to hold on to them for a while to get past the withdrawal time.<br />n<br />nAny ethical producer follows the appropriate guidelines on things like this. I resent the insinuation otherwise.<br />n<br />n<strong>What I really resent most about people sticking labels on you is that it cuts off all the other elements of what you are because it can only deal with black and white; the cartoon. Siouxsie Sioux</strong><br />n<br />n<strong>UPDATE:</strong> <a href="">Go over and visit</a> my friend Marianne for a little more information on this. She adds a little information about The Center for Science in the Public Interest. I ignored their part in this article because they are not a reputable organization and I pay no attention to them. Thanks Marianne for correcting my oversight.



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