Which Road Will They Take

It's been decided finally. <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2006/11/29/news/state/25-republicans.txt">Republicans have gained control</a> of the Montana House after the Laurel recount. So which road will they take? Will they hold true to traditional Republican values of less government and lower taxes or will they just try to outspend the Democrats in an all out bid to win the elections the next time around?<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Some Republican leaders, including incoming House Speaker Scott Sales, have said they'd like to see broader property-tax cuts and more surplus funds returned to taxpayers in the form of rebates or tax cuts.</blockquote><br />n<br />nRebates or tax cuts? If they opt for rebates they are just trying to buy votes, if they go for permanent tax cuts I <em>might</em> think they hold traditional Republican values. I'm not holding my breath though.<br />n<br />nIn reality we are looking at deadlock in the state government. Each side trying to get it's way and neither winning. It's going to be an interesting ride to see what happens. Will Gov. Schweitzer be the true Bipartisan Governor he claims to be or will throw a temper tantrum if he doesn't get his way? Stay tuned for the fun.<br />n<br />n<strong>Whenever a fellow tells me he's bipartisan, I know he's going to vote against me. Harry S. Truman</strong>

