Getting Older

The family and I went to the NILE PRCA rodeo in Billings last night. As usual it was a very good event and we enjoyed it tremendously. Even the boy had fun. He thought the clowns were hilarious which is a new one for him. He couldn't stop giggling every time he looked at them so it was great.<br />n<br />nWe did have a little trouble getting there though. It has been raining/snowing and very cold for about 3 days now and it was getting extremely muddy around here. Our 10 miles of dirt road is definitely not dirt anymore, thick, viscous mud, would be a lot better description and it makes it a little miserable to get out of here when it's like this.<br />n<br />nI told My Darling Wife that she should drive since she is much better at mudding towards the highway since she is the one to take the oldest to the bus every day but she said "not a chance, it's your turn to mud and you can do it." <br />n<br />nSo what happened? You got it, about 1 mile away from the house, I got stuck. I was even going downhill at the time. My darling wife informs me, "you were on the wrong side of the road, it gets really bad over here." I told her that if she would have drove like I asked, this never would have happened since she knows the road better. She didn't say a word. I walked back to the house and got the hired hand to come help pull me out. For a little bit I didn't know if we were going to get the job done but eventually we got the rig pulled out and we were on our way again.<br />n<br />nMy Darling Wife at least got a little Monroe helpful at this point and pointed out were the best places to go were to avoid the softest spots, but I still say it would have been easier if she would have drove.<br />n<br />nSo we were at the rodeo and enjoying ourselves when two young "ladies," I would say in their mid 20's, walked by where we were sitting and they really caught my eye. They were both dressed, if you want to call it that, in very short shirts that barely covered their breasts and left alot of bare skin on their arms and belly area and the jeans they were wearing were short enough on top to make a person wonder how they were defying gravity and staying on making the area of skin they were showing in their mid riff area very large indeed. My Darling Wife informed me the jeans were what you would call ultra low rise, and they were that. I swear you saw half the crack of their asses or better and that there were stray hairs peeking out over the top of the pants in the front they were so low. These two gals were built to wear this stuff too, they were extremely attractive but as I watched them only one thing went through my mind, "Damn that git up has to be cold, I wonder if I should give them my jacket so they can warm up."<br />n<br />nLater it struck me, I must be getting old if this is my reaction to these two gals parading around like that. Don't get me wrong, I know what these two "ladies" were advertising for but my reaction was sure enough not the one they were looking for but it's what came into my mind. Does this mean I am getting old, or am I just too much of a father to see young gals parading around like this and putting themselves on display? I don't know, My Darling Wife got a good laugh out of my reaction to these two gals since most guys were just salivating over them. I guess I'm old, damn the bad luck.<br />n<br />n<strong>The older I get the more wisdom I find in the ancient rule of taking first things first. A process which often reduces the most complex human problem to a manageable proportion. Dwight D. Eisenhower</strong>



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