Expansion or Contraction

<a href="http://www.cattlenetwork.com/content.asp?contentid=76057" >Fourth Quarter Cattle Data Key to Herd Expansion Picture</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>At the start of 2006, cow-calf producers were poised to expand their herds in response to profitable prices the last several years, but a recent increase in cow slaughter has clouded the picture, a Kansas State University agricultural economist said.<br />n<br />nBeef cow slaughter so far this year (through late September) has been about 17 percent larger than during 2005, said James Mintert, agricultural economics state leader with K-State Research and Extension. And this year’s beef and dairy cow slaughter combined total has been 10.5 percent larger than a year ago.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo, is the beef herd expanding or contracting? They don't know. Contraction would be good for me, bad for the consumer, so it would be nice to know.<br />n<br />nI do know that more cows went to slaughter this year due to the drought in the center part of the country. That's probably where the extra numbers are coming from for cow slaughter. Some normal moisture and these people will expand their herds again. <br />n<br />nIt's just the name of the game. Dealing with Mother Nature. Right now I am trying to expand again after contracting due to the drought. Another year like this last one and I might have to contract again since the drought was hard on things this year. Next Year. We'll see Next Year.




