Problem and Solution

<a href="" >Beef packers cut slaughter</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Three of the nations largest beef packers have announced reductions in their slaughter operations because of red ink and lower demand for beef.<br />n<br />nDTN is reporting that Tyson Food Inc. announced it will reduce cattle slaughter by about 12,000 head a week over the next six weeks to two months. Plants will reduce their kill-floor operations from 40 hours a week down to 35, the company stated. Tyson called the price of cattle and lack of demand for beef products as the reason for the reduced production. Another problem stems from lingering issues with exports.<br />n<br />n“Access to key export markets remains limited, competing meats such as pork and poultry are significantly less expensive and we’re in the fall season, when beef historically softens,” Tyson stated. “As a result, we’re scaling back production until the supply and demand situation gets back in balance.”</blockquote><br />nI noticed cattle prices were dropping the last couple of weeks and now I understand why. The fundamental supply and demand equation is changing. Demand is sopping.<br />n<br />nOkay everybody out there, go eat more beef. <img src="" alt=":-)" class="emoticon" /><br />n<br />nThere, that should solve the problem.<br />n<br />n<strong>We cannot solve life's problems except by solving them. M. Scott Peck</strong>



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