Cows Have Accents?

<a href="" title="WTF?">Cows with regional accents? Pull the udder one</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>They have one word in their vocabulary and it's a single syllable at that.<br />n<br />nBut farmers claim cows appear to 'moo' in regional accents, despite their limited conversational skills.<br />n<br />nHerds in the West Country have been heard lowing with a distinctive Somerset twang – prompting some to claim the sound is more 'moo-arr' than moo. </blockquote><br />n<br />nI'm not to sure about this. Sounds a little far-fetched to me. What really makes me wonder about this story is where it started.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The regional twangs were first noticed by members of the West Country Farmhouse Cheesemakers group. Members spend hours with their herds making sure they are wearing cow coats and playing them classical music.<br />n<br />nThe practice is supposed to contribute towards the local cheddar's distinctive flavour.<br />n<br />nOne of the group, Lloyd Green, from Glastonbury, Somerset, said: 'I spend a lot of time with my Friesans and they definitely moo with a Somerset drawl. </blockquote><br />n<br />nThis information comes from people that wear cow coats and play classical music to their cows because it adds a flavor to the cheese. I think this gives these people way to much time to think about nothing and make things up. It's gotta affect the mind. I think enough is said on this issue right there.<br />n<br />n<strong>Strange to know nothing, never to be sure<br />nOf what is true or right or real,<br />nBut forced to qualify or so I feel….<br />n Philip Larkin</strong>



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