Energy Crisis

I'm tired. I don't know if it is everything catching up with me or what the deal is but I'm tired. I could talk about the <a href="">Primary election coming up</a>, in which I all ready voted, but I'm too tired to. I could talk about the <a href="">disingenuous way</a> in which petition gatherers are working at getting signatures in Montana, it really makes you wonder about the issues when they have to lie so to get people to sign them, but I don't have the energy.<br />n<br />nThere are a couple of interesting stories about the <a href="">tight market for employees</a> in the area and how even <a href="">kids are making a good wage</a>. It just goes to show you how the theory of supply and demand really does work and could stand a long discussion on it and it's affect on me trying to find someone decent to work here, but no energy on my part for it.<br />n<br />nI could also talk about <a href="">Montana's own Terrorist hunter</a> who is profiled in the Washington Post today, but reading about the hours she keeps really makes me lose energy.<br />n<br />nI really wish I knew why my energy levels are so down. I'll just keep trudging along and I will return to my former levels eventually, unless I'm to tired to. We'll see.<br />n<br />n<b>Every evening, I come home tired and have just enough energy to fill out the endless tax forms, to pay bills, not to let my house neglected and to hear the radio concert for an hour. Fritz Zwicky</b>



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