
I really had to laugh last night. My oldest had to find an article in the local paper and then write something about it. She was having a hard time finding anything interesting until she came across <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2006/05/02/news/state/45-smoking-down.txt">this story</a>. I have never seen her write like that before. Passionate, full of energy and with a drive she very rarely utilizes. It was funny and heartwarming to see her get so worked up about it. <br />n<br />nWhat was she so worked up about? How she thinks they are wrong in their conclusions about teen smoking in Montana. She knows so many kids that smoke at school, you heard me, at school, that she can't believe the conclusion. She assumes maybe the kids in bigger schools are better than those in schools the size of Hardin's about smoking or that the kids were just lying on the survey to hide the problem. Whether any of this is true or not I don't know but I loved the rage and passion she showed while writing it. I didn't always agree with her conclusions but she presented her points well, a little forcibly, but well.<br />n<br />nThe one conclusion she reached that I really found funny was one I use a lot to. She claimed the story was just to make people feel good and wasn't of significant value. Just shows she's my daughter.<br />n<br />n<b>Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence. Alice Walker</b><br />n<br />



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