Sometimes It’s The Little Things

The lack of the littlest thing, like a small letter n, makes things a little tough to read.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Judge, property initiatives proposed</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A umber of other potetial ballot measures have bee submitted to the state Legislative Service Divisio for review ad draftig.<br />n<br />nAmog the measures are proposals to:<br />n<br />nAllow judges to be recalled by voters, but without a cause. If eough sigatures are collected to recall a official, voters decide whether to keep or remove the official from office. The curret law says elected officials ca't be recalled without a cause, such as physical or metal lack of fitess, icompetece, miscoduct or covictio of a feloy offese. Rep. Ed Butcher, R-Wiifred, is leadig this statuary iitiative effort to remove the cause requiremet for judges.<br />n<br />nRestrict the "coveyace" of private property from oe party to aother through emiet domai. This is aimed at stoppig a cotroversial U.S. Supreme Court decisio that allowed the city of New Lodo, Co., to seize a retired couple's home, for paymet, so a shoppig ceter could be built that would yield more tax reveue for the city. Rep. Rick Maedje, R-Fortie, is headig efforts to pass statutory ad costitutioal iitiatives.<br />nLimit the growth i state spedig to a percetage equal to the combied percetage of iflatio ad populatio growth. Rep. Scott Medehall, R-Clacy, is the leader i this attempt to amed the costitutio by iitiative.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI copied a big enough chunk of the article for you to get an idea, there is no little n in it anywhere. It sure makes it tough to read the article. I am assuming the Gazette will fix it at some point, or we can hope they are competent enough to fix it at least, so I posted enough for everybody to get the idea. In this day and age of spell checkers and word processors, how did this happen?<br />n<br />n<b>Little things affect little minds. Benjamin Disraeli</b>



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