Bison Vaccination

The brucellosis debate in Yellowstone Park continues. Now we are going to try <a href="">vaccination of young animals</a> to see if we can get brucellosis under control. The whole idea is to see if the vaccination is going to be effective or not. I may not be a scientist but I can tell you it isn't going to be totally effective. This same vaccine has been proved not to be 100% effective in cattle with the recent goings on in <a href="">Wyoming</a> so why would we assume that it would work on bison.<br />n<br />nI just don't see what good this will do since the plan is to vaccinate only 125 bison out of a population of approximately 4200. This is less than 3% of the bison in the park. This looks like another band-aid solution to the gaping wound of the bison problem which is going to be a long time in being dealt with, if it ever is dealt with properly.<br />n<br />n<b>If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. Albert Einstein</b>



