
Just some odds and ends. I heard from the new hired hand last night. So far he still plans on coming, should be here the morning of the 30th. Having another set of hands around will be nice, if they are capable, I'll find out.<br />n<br />nI've been busy talking with the accountant for over a week now trying to figure out the tax situation for the year. With cattle prices as high as they are the books for the IRS show a tidy little profit but you go to the bank account and you wonder , "what profit?" Got to do some dickering and figuring to reduce the taxes some. I should be able to, but I will still have to borrow a tidy some from the bank to pay the taxes this year. It just don't figure, borrow money to pay income taxes. If you made money, shouldn't you have the money to pay taxes? Not in todays world.<br />n<br />nTalking about the bank, I need to get the forms filled out for our yearly loan review with them. Whee, lots of fun. The loan is due the 1st of December and I haven't even made an appointment to see the Banker yet. Better get busy.<br />n<br />nOne last thing worth mentioning, I got my hair cut today. Went to my neighborhood topless female barber. It's always fun getting your hair cut by a topless barber. It would have even been more fun if there would not have been so many kids around. Real fun, that's for sure. A lot of hair might have flown.<br />n<br />n <a class="block_level" href="http://www.sarpysam.com/archives/1342-Happenings.html#extended">Continue reading "Happenings"</a>




