Enhanced Service, Improved Efficiency

Interesting news via E-mail.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE UNDERGOES REORGANIZATION<br />n<br />n The Montana Department of Revenue is reorganizing to provide enhanced service, improved efficiency and greater equity to the citizens of Montana.<br />n <br />n"The new structure will enable us to improve our service to the public. It will be simpler for the public to understand," said Dan Bucks, Director of Revenue.</blockquote><br />n<br />n"Enhanced service, improved efficiency". What, are they going to come with guns drawn to confiscate our money instead of just asking us to voluntarily send it in via the tax form? What service do they provide to the citizens of Montana besides take our money? I don't think they need to enhance that service any, they are all ready good enough at that.<br />n<br />nI think the wording of this whole thing is funny. Why not tell the truth. We reorganized to squeeze more money out of you dolts. At least they would be truthful instead of trying to make it sound like they are doing us a favor.<br />n<br />n<b>When in doubt tell the truth. Mark Twain</b>



