Captive Supply

I picked this up over at <a href="">Western Organization of Resource Councils</a> as something of interest here.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Ranchers Want Hearings on Broken Livestock Market<br />nCaptive Supply Reform Reintroduced in House<br />n<br />nBillings, Mont. – The Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC) urges Congress to hold hearings on legislation that would release the stranglehold packers have over the livestock industry.<br />n<br />nRepresentatives Earl Pomeroy (D-ND), Barbara Cubin (R-WY), and Stephanie Herseth (D-SD) reintroduced the Captive Supply Reform Act, H.R. 4257, on November 8 in the House of Representatives. The bill would reform, but not prohibit, livestock marketing contracts between meat packers and livestock producers. The bill also would open competition in the beef and pork markets by requiring a fixed base price in contracts and bidding on supply contracts.<br />n<br />




