Hired Man

Well the search for a hired man continues. We've received 10-20 applications and the number that jumped up as any good were very slim. There was one guy who was really anxious to come work here, so anxious that I was a little put off and would never offer him the job. Usually somebody who wants the job that bad and lives so far away, Texas in this case, is only trouble. They are usually running from something and I don't need trouble on the place. He also had 4 kids which is about 2 more than the living quarters will handle.<br />n<br />nI did offer the job to someone on Sunday. They said they would have to think about it for a while. I kinda like that personally, she just isn't in a big rush for a job and has the resources to really think the situation out. It will be a big change if she takes the job, it will have to be a hired <u>hand</u> instead of a hired <u>man</u>. She had the only application that really stood out in the bunch. It just seems like no one wants to do this kind of work any more. We'll see. <br />n<br />nThere is one other guy we just got an application for that might work out, if he does something with his 20 cows. I will not run 20 cows for a hand until they've worked here a while. The job has all ready been offered to the gal right now so we will have to wait and see what her decision is.<br />n<br />n<b>Sure it's a big job; but I don't know anyone who can do it better than I can. John F. Kennedy</b>



