Sucker Update

<img src=""><br />n<br />nThere he is, wounds and all. After I finally got to look at him in daylight I found out he was male and was in worse shape than I thought. The vet saw him this afternoon and says he is about 8 month old Australian Shepard. He has a raging hotpoint infection on his head, a deep wound on one leg, mange, worms, and assorted other problems. He has been dipped, wormed, given his shots and taking antibiotics for the infection. The vet feels he was on his own for a week to 10 days. <br />n<br />nStart the healing process. We found a collar and leash for him and he accepted it no problem. Time will tell.<br />n<br />n<b>I may talk about the puppies, but a girl's butt is my favorite. I'm a sucker for a pretty face, too. Jerry Lawler </b><br />



