
Can you say sucker? I can, I think that's what I should call My Darling Wife from now on. <br />n<br />nYesterday my oldest had an Orthodontist appointment late and when they were coming home they found somebody had dumped a young dog on our driveway here in the middle of nowhere. So what did she do? She picked it up and brought it home. Mind you now, this is the woman who hates dogs so I don't know what came over her.<br />n<br />nIt's a very shy dog and not real sure about letting people to close to it but I examined it as good as I could in the dark. It doesn't appear to be hurt and it was very thin with bones sticking out so it's been on it's own for a few days. It was skittish enough I was never able top tell for sure in the dark but I think it's a female.I would estimate it is 6-9 month old border collie cross of some kind. We have no dog around here so I told My Darling Wife to get some cat food for it and see if it knew what the stuff was. It licked it clean in a couple of minutes so it knows what dry food is.<br />n<br />nI wished we had a collar around here to try to tie her up but we didn't. We searched for quite a while and finally I just made her a bed, fed her some more food and hoped she didn't run off overnight. I checked as soon as I got up and there she was, laying in the bed, happy to see me. We had found a small sample of dry dog food in the house so I fed it to her and she was happier than heck.<br />n<br />nThe big question is now what to do with her? You are all going to call me a sucker but I am tempted to keep her. She is really sweet once she gets past her shyness. I have been wanting a dog around the place for a while and maybe fate is trying to tell me something. The vet has to look at her and give her a pass to start with. Then we will have to see how well she listens and responds. She has to be trainable to stay. We'll see, hope nobody, including me, gets too attached to her.<br />n<br />nMy Darling Wife says not to name her and we won't get too attached. I'm tempted to call her Lucky since she is lucky she found some suckers. So much for not naming her.<br />n<br />n<b>If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and and can't tell who the sucker is, it's you. Paul Newman</b>



