
<blockquote>Please join us Thursday, June 16th from 4:00-9:00 p.m. at the JailHouse Gallery in Hardin for a presentation of Cabel Noteboom's most recent photographic endeavor. "The Montana Cowboy" showcases some of the area's finest ranches and the cowboys that keep them alive. Cabel has tried to capture the spirit of the cowboy during the many brandings held this spring in the Hardin area. From spectacular landscapes to fine details, these black and white images give a great sense of the old west. The "Montana Cowboy" will be on display at the gallery through July 30th.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI happened to be in town yesterday and decided to see if the show was hanging all ready sine I won't be able to be in this afternoon. Let me tell you, it was great. Like I've said before I like black and white photography and these were wonderful. I had invited Cabel to my branding knowing he was shooting pictures and I wanted to see the work and see if he used any from my branding. There was quite a few from my branding and they were great.<br />n<br />nI would highly recommend people visit the <a href="">Jailhouse Gallery</a> and see the show. Also look around the Gallery at some of the other fine work done by artists in the area. There is a lot to be had around there.<br />n<br />n<b>Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art. Ansel Adams</b>



