What Our Public Education System Really Teaches

<blockquote>A 10-year-old Atlanta-area boy was forced to kiss and lick his teacher's toes. <br />n<br />nAnd though the teacher, Jody Kilpatrick of Temple Elementary School in Carroll County, has apologized for the incident, a preliminary investigation found no criminal intent since she apparently received no sexual gratification from the physical contact. <br />n<br />nThe child told investigators his classmates physically restrained him and forced him to kiss his teacher's feet – and the teacher went along with the abuse.</blockquote><br />n<br />nStudents physically restrain another student and force him to <a href="http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44550">lick his teachers feet</a> and we have to think about whether anything is wrong with this.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The Carroll County district attorney's office will make the final decision on whether to indict the teacher later this month. The school board will decide whether to discipline her.</blockquote><br />n<br />nExcuse me, I don't have to think about whether this is wrong or not, I know. But this must be the behavior they are teaching in our public education system these days. How sad, it just sickens me.<br />n<br />n<b>If a person does wrong, he alone must take the blame. Chinese proverb</b><br />n<br />



