Health Care Reform

As everybody knows and I haven't commented on, the President and Congress's big push is for health care reform. Fixing the broken system. I've even heard them say that this will bring the country out of the recession. I highly doubt this claim but that is beside the point. What really seems to be the push is for the government to take over our health care and make it a single payer system with the government in charge.<br />n<br />nWhy in tarnation would we want to do this. The government all ready provides all the health care for the Indians in our country and <a href="">look how screwed up</a> that system is. The government run Veterans Health care is in <a href="">no better shape</a> than the Indian Health Care system. <br />n<br />nWITH THESE TWO EXAMPLES OF OUR GOVERNMENTS ABILITY TO RUN HEALTH CARE, WHY WOULD WE WANT TO LET THEM TAKE CHARGE OF THE WHOLE COUNTRIES HEALTH CARE? CAN ANYBODY ANSWER THIS SIMPLE QUESTION?<br />n<br />nHow stupid can the American public be to think that the track record for health care will change in this country if the government is in charge. Pretty damned stupid if you ask me.



