Innocent Mistake

I guess I don't get it. Not unusual, is it? If I failed to pay $34,000 in taxes, I would more than likely be thrown in jail, but Timothy Geithner does the same thing and President Elect Obama says it's an <a href=",0,1565750.story">"innocent mistake"</a> so that the man can serve in high Government office. Innocent mistake my dying ass. The only reason he paid the taxes was to try to get his appointment approved.<br />n<br />nWhat does Montana's senior Senator Max Say about this?<br />n<br />n<blockquote>"This is an honest mistake and it's clear there was no intention not to pay it and he did pay immediately, as soon as his mistake was discovered,"</blockquote><br />n<br />nBullshit. If this was the case why did he wait until he was being nominated for Treasury Secretary to pay some of these back taxes? I though President Elect Obama was for "change." This seems like business as usual for our Government again. Those in power our forgiven their sins while the rest of us have to follow the law. Innocent Mistake? Change? No change here and no Innocent Mistake either, that's for sure.



