Another Round For The Wolves

<a href="">Wolf to go off list in Montana, not Wyoming</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Gray wolves in the western Great Lakes and Northern Rockies will be removed from the federal endangered-species list by late February under a plan announced Wednesday by the Bush administration.<br />n<br />nLeft out of the plan were wolves in Wyoming, where state officials sought a "predator zone" across most of the state within which the animals could be shot on sight. Federal officials said Wyoming law would have to change before wolves there could be taken off the endangered list.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI'm surprised they are trying this again. Not disappointed, but surprised. First off, I don't know what good it will do. The wolf lovers will take it to court right away. It says it right in the article.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Environmental and animal rights groups derided the move as a last-minute effort by the Bush administration to strip protections from an animal they say remains at risk. They promised Wednesday to return to court with another round of lawsuits.<br />n<br />n"These guys have been trying for eight years to explain how it could be possible for them to delist the wolves," said Jonathan Lovvorn, a vice president of the Humane Society of the United States. "It's time for them to throw in the towel."</blockquote><br />n<br />nSee, they come right out and said that they will spend whatever money is necessary to stop this. It doesn't matter how many wolves there are or how they affect the people living with them. They need to just "throw in the towel" and give up to their want's and desires.<br />n<br />nSecond on this one will be to see what President Elect Obama does about this. Will he block the delisting like his core constituents want, or will he listen to the people like Ed Bangs, who know whats going on with the wolves.<br />n<br />nI'm not worried about it. As much as I would like to see the Wolves in the State go off the Endangered Species list so that they can be intelligently managed, it's not going to happen. Either the courts or President Elect Obama will stop it. Who will stop it first is the interesting question in this.



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