
I'm a little confused about something. The politicians agreed to bail out the auto companies if they started to make more cars with better fuel mileage and were more "green." Now I read <a href="">this</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The dilemma for Congress is that highway and transit programs are dependent for revenue on fuel taxes that are not sustainable. Many Americans are driving less and switching to more fuel-efficient cars and trucks, and a shift to new fuels and technologies like plug-in hybrid electric cars will further erode gasoline sales.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo, they complain that we aren't using enough gas with one hand while trying to get us to use less gas with the other. This really sounds confusing to me. Typical politicians I guess. <br />n<br />nHappy New Year, the good times just keep rolling.



