What’s Up

I know, my first entry in months was a couple of days ago and it was very negative according to some people. Was it poor of me to do that? Maybe, maybe not. The situation just really upset me.<br />n<br />nI've had quite a few people commenting to me that I need to post more. They enjoyed my posts and missed them. I thank everybody for the encouragement. It was really appreciated. I guess the question really becomes, why did I quit posting? I really lost my motivation when my dad passed away and then when I was feeling a little more like posting the election news was really on hot and heavy. I could see which way the wind was blowing there and just had absolutely no motivation to say anything about it.<br />n<br />nLet's see, quick ranch update. Everything is looking good around here. Some fall moisture, green grass and fat cows really put a smile on my face. Cattle markets and the economy put a frown on my face whenever I think about that situation. I'll get by this recession but I don't have to be happy about it and it's sure going to make the books look bad for a while. What's a person to do though? Beg for a government handout or just pull yourself up and get through it. I'll get through it.<br />n<br />nWill I post more now? I don't know. I'll have to wait and see.




