Higher Prices

<a href="http://www.cattlenetwork.com/Content.asp?contentid=218681">ADB Pres: Food Prices May Continue Higher, Hit Some Economies</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Sky-high global food prices may continue rising and damage growth in some Asian economies this year and the next, the Asian Development Bank's top official said Saturday.<br />n<br />n"In the long term, prices could continue to rise… the era of cheap food prices may be over," ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda said. "Several countries appear to be severely affected," he told reporters ahead of the multilateral development institution's annual meeting being held in Madrid this year.<br />n<br />nIn a report released the same day, the ADB said wheat export prices have increased 130%, rice prices 98% and maize 38% over the past year, hurting the purchasing power of a billion poor people in the region. At least a dozen of 58 countries surveyed by the World Bank have recently reduced tariffs on food imports and erected barriers to exports in the hopes of restraining domestic food prices and moving toward self-sufficiency. </blockquote><br />n<br />nI keep posting information like this to show the global food crisis that is here and getting worse. The reason for it? Many and varied so there is no easy fix. Just lots of problems.



