
The calves are finally really starting to look good. I don't know what the bug was that was holding them back but they are finally over it and going strong. All told I probably doctored about 25 of them for coccidiosis. Just under 20% of them. I think a few more had it but got over it on their own. I lost two calves in the battle. Both of them were under 300 pound potty calves that have been sickly from weaning and no big surprise to lose.<br />n<br />nI looked into more than one way of doctoring the whole herd but my vet recommended just doing what I was doing, doctoring the sick ones. He felt that no sicker than they were and how easily they cured up, it would be more cost effective to doctor the sick ones than to treat the whole herd. The only warning he gave me was not to lock the herd up in a small space. I told him that wasn't a problem since I hated putting the calves in a small space and loved keeping them out on open pasture and had planned on keeping them there. Hopefully they will stay better now.<br />n<br />nThe two year olds are getting very heavy and it is time to bring them home. Tomorrow is the day I think. Get them home so we can take care of them while they are calving. I'm not looking forward to the long nights awake and going short of sleep all the time but that's the way it goes. Maybe someday I will be rich enough to hire the whole job done. Yea and pigs can fly. I would still have to do the job and see that it is done right.<br />n<br />n<strong>Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. Kahlil Gibran</strong>



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