
There are things i could talk about today, but the one thing catching my attention is the cold here. It was 15 below yesterday morning and got to a high of 0 and it is 25 below this morning and supposed to get to 25 above today. I somehow really doubt it is going to get to 25 above. Hell, that is a 50 degree temperature rise today. That's pretty significant.<br />n <br />nOh uh, water problems, gotta go.<br />n<br />n<br />nUPDATE: Tuesday afternoon. Well, the water problem wasn't that big of deal. The little pipe to the pressure switch froze up. Thawed it out and all was good to go.<br />n<br />nAmazing, it did warm up to 21 degrees today. Could be considered down right nice if the wind wasn't blowing 20 mph and the snow coming down like mad.<br />n<br />nI'm tired of playing winter, isn't it spring yet?



