Good and Bad

I had to laugh the other day. The Hired Hand was making some wise comment about how much we were feeding all the critters. I told him that it was so nice to have enough hay to feed everything all they want and not have to worry about running out. Hell, even feeding all they want we will have enough left over to last almost another winter. That's something nice.<br />n<br />nSomething not so nice, the coccidiosis problem I talked about. Still linger on. Again it's nothing serious but I need to keep doctoring a few. I would really be curious to know what set this off. Doctored another 10 now. I looked into treating the water so they all get some dosage but it is way too expensive. Cheaper to doctor the sick ones.<br />n<br />nCows and two year olds are looking great so no problems there. No more flat tires so I guess I just get to worry about the calves. Damn the bad luck. Would like them all healthy and nothing to worry about. Right, have critters and not worry about them. That's not going to happen, is it.<br />n<br />nUPDATE: Spoke too soon. Had another flat tire on a pickup today. This is really getting tiring.



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