
Let's look at Montana culture.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Montana leads nation in per-capita bar spending</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>It's a sobering statistic for New Year's Eve.<br />n<br />nOK, "sober" might not have anything to do with it.<br />n<br />nBut Montana, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's economic census, leads the nation in per-capita spending at drinking establishments.<br />n<br />n….<br />n<br />nBy dividing the revenue for alcohol sales at drinking establishments by the state's population, it works out to a figure of $258. That's what every man, woman and child in the state would have spent in drinking establishments in 2002 if every man, woman and child in the state drank.<br />n<br />nOf course, not every man or woman, and hopefully none of the children, spent that amount in bars, which means some of us spent a lot more than $258.<br />n<br />nThe national average for per-capita spending at drinking establishments, by the way, was just $52. Forty-three states didn't even reach triple digits.<br />n<br />nOnly Montana, Nevada, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Wisconsin were over $100 in per-capita spending.</blockquote><br />n<br />nYes, there we have a big part of Montana culture, the drinking culture. Ain't it grand.<br />n<br />n<strong>Oh, to me not drinking is like being dead, almost. I sit here taking endless journeys down memory lane. It gets boring. Jeffrey Bernard</strong>



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