
<a href="">State still on safe side of brucellosis</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Months of additional tests for brucellosis in Montana cattle have turned up no new cases, Department of Livestock officials said Wednesday.<br />n<br />n"Definitely we feel significant relief," said Marty Zaluski, state veterinarian at the Livestock Department.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI'm not real sure I would say it is relief I feel. I am not surprised by the results so I am not relieved by them. This is more of an expected announcement to me. I feel that we will get through this period with no new cases and get its Brucellosis free status back in 2009. It's just a waiting game.<br />n <br />n<strong>Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret. Ralph Waldo Emerson</strong>



