
This weather is unbelievable. Sunday morning it was 10 below zero here. Crisp and cold. Monday morning it was 30 above zero for a 40 degree temperature difference. Then guess what? It rained last night, yes rain. When I got home from my daughter's band concert last night it was 45 degrees above zero and raining. This morning it is 40 above and balmy out.<br />n<br />nWhat a difference in such a short period of time. It drives a person crazy. At least the cattle are doing well. I mentioned that I am trying protein tubs for the first time. They might not be the cheapest form of protein but I am really sold on them now for cattle grazing on large pastures. I have never seen my cattle in such good shape at this time of year without the use of hay before. I'm going to keep them out grazing as long as I can this way. Saves on the feed bill that way.<br />n<br />nThe only problem I have run into with the protein tubs is that the cattle have not ate them as fast as I imagined they would. I bought too many of the damned things. I can take the unused ones back though so that is what I am going to do.<br />n<br />nNot much else going on around here. Really quite time of year. Cattle still out grazing. Biggest problem is keeping the water open. As warm as it is this morning that shouldn't be a problem but most mornings there is some ice to deal with on the tanks. No big deal, just a fact of life.<br />n<br />n<strong>Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. Josh Billings</strong>



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