
I really think somebody needs a pair of glasses.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Story of man mistaking cow for a coyote is confounding</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A man says he shot a neighbor's cow after mistaking it for a coyote. But authorities and the owner are skeptical.<br />n<br />nThe undersheriff in northern Michigan's Benzie County said he doesn't see how anyone could confuse a 1,400-pound pregnant cow with a coyote, which typically weighs between 20 and 45 pounds.</blockquote><br />n<br />nHOW IN BLUE BLAZES DO YOU MISTAKE A COW FOR A COYOTE????? Would you trust somebody with a rifle that can't tell the difference in the two? I always say it takes alol types but I think we could do without this type. He can't tell the difference between a cow and a coyote. Damn, how stupid.<br />n<br />n<strong>Properly speaking, history is nothing but the crimes and misfortunes of the human race.<br />nPierre Bayle </strong>



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