
The Hardin Jail <a href="http://sarpysam.com/archives/2928-Empty.html">I talked about earlier</a> looks like it might be in a <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2007/11/10/news/state/18-hardin_x.txt">hell of a pickle</a>. The Montana Attorney General feels that the "facility" can not house out of state inmates. This could be a killer. I'm glad I didn't invest in this "Jail of Dreams." <br />n<br />nTwo Rivers Authority, who built the "facility," claims that there were plenty of Montana inmates to fill the thing to capacity so no problems were seen getting inmates. They also claim that there is no such thing as getting contracts ahead of time. I personally think they went into this thing with their eyes shut, only looking at what they wanted to and not looking for potential problems. They knew going in that the housing of out of state prisoners was a long shot at best. The changes made in Montana law that came about after the private Shelby "facility" was built made sure of that.<br />n<br />n"If you build it, they will come." Not as philosophy to build a detention "facility" under but the dreamers in Hardin tried it. Now who is going to bail them out from the dilemma they blindly walked into? I'm sure I will have to through my taxes since it's the quasi governmental, quasi private economic development authority that built the damn thing. We will see though.<br />n<br />nQuestion. Why do we call jails, detention facilities now days? Does the bigger name sound better somehow? What is wrong with calling it a jail? Wish I knew.<br />n<br />n<strong>Faith is like a kernel of wheat. Joe Bob Briggs</strong>

