Do What You Are told

We now see how Democrats in Montana truly think. They will force you to do "the right thing" whether you want to or not. The headline of the article sounds very benign but you read the article and some of the things in it scares the shit out of me. When did the Government get so demanding?<br />n<br />n<a href="">Initiative being drafted would extend health care to all kids</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>State Insurance Commissioner John Morrison on Friday unveiled a proposed ballot measure to extend health coverage to all 37,000 uninsured children in Montana through a combination of public and mandated private health insurance.</blockquote><br />n<br />nLike I said the headline sounds wonderful but the very last part of the paragraoph scares me, "mandated private health insurance." The state is going to tell us we have to buy this whether we want to or not.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The remaining children's families would be required to buy private health insurance from a partially subsidized "pool" designed by the state.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI think my head is going to explode! REQUIRED TO BUY HEALTH INSURANCE? Excuse me if I am not excited about this. Requiring people to buy something they might not want to buy is not what Americas version of freedom is about. Did our Founding Fathers break away from England so they could tell people what they could buy or not? No!! It was about freedom to make choices for ourselves without the government stepping in.<br />n<br />nTalk about additional intrusion, check this out.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The state would launch "automatic enrollment," which is an aggressive push to sign up all eligible, uninsured kids for CHIP and Medicaid. For example, schools would check to see if kids are insured and help sign up those who aren't.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo, the schools are going to get involved? Aren't they there to educate our children not be a social service to make sure that they are part of the "right" government programs? How is the school going to know the parents income level to see whether they are eligible for CHIP or not. Is the state going to open up our tax records for the school to see? That's the only way i can see them doing this. <br />n<br />nOne of the things that really blows my mind away is that there are open slots in the Montana CHIP program presently. This means that there is more money available than people that want to use it so what is Morrison's answer? Make it mandatory so the state can spend all its money and raise taxes on us some more. If people are not choosing to take advantage of CHIP, isn't this a good thing? Aren't we showing our independent spirit by not relying on the government for a handout when people can mange on their own? <br />n<br />nWHY IN THE HELL IS IT NECESSARY TO MAKE THE DAMN THING MANDATORY AND TO REQUIRE THOSE WHO DON'T MEET THE CHIP REQUIREMENTS TO BUY HEALTH INSURANCE!!!<br />n<br />nIt's all about control, controlling our lives "for our own good." Isn't freedom about letting us make these decisions? For the record here my children are eligible for CHIP <u>but are not enrolled in the program</u>. I provide health insurance for them without help from the state. Accepting Government handouts when it is not necessary is wrong in my opinion. This law would require me to enroll them in CHIPS. I would have no choice.<br />n<br />nEverybody talks about choice in health care, where is my choice here? Either I enroll my child in a "government approved" program, CHIP, or I am required to buy "Government approved" insurance, whether I can afford it or not. NOT A HELL OF A LOT OF CHOICE IS THERE?<br />n<br />nI know I am going to hear all kind of talk about insuring children is a good thing. I am not going to argue that. But isn't freedom about us being able to make our own choices? they might not always be great choices but that is what it is about. In my opinion, if you are for a mandated insurance program you are opposed to the concept of freedom the United States was formed to stand for to the world as a beacon to show them what freedom is about. Whether it's for our own good or not, freedom should prevail here, not a government that wants to put its foot down on our neck and tell us what is "good" for us. What is good for me should be my decision to make.<br />n<br />n <strong>There are two good things in life – freedom of thought and freedom of action. W. Somerset Maugham</strong>
