Fixing The Playground

There was a couple of interesting articles in the Gazette from the recent conference at the Burton K. Wheeler Center at Montana State University which looked at the recent Legislative session and how to avoid the problems faced.<br />n<br />nThe <a href="">first article</a> started out by talking about term limits and annual Legislative Sessions and Redistricting as the problems.<br />n<br />nThe <a href="">second article</a> talks about more time from election to Legislative session as the answer to the problems.<br />n<br />nLet me discuss my thoughts on these issues whether you like it or not. <br />n<br />nRedistricting. This is always a problem for the party in the minority. Suck it up and deal with it. If you have good ideas and a good platform you can come back from this problem easily. Not a problem, deal.<br />n<br />nAnnual Legislative Sessions. This would just allow the politicians to get together more often and spend my money on things that aren't needed. I don't like the idea. This was tried in 1972-1973 and didn't work then and won't help now. Shit can this one.<br />n<br />nTerm Limits. I think they have something here. There is truthfully something called Institutional Memory and the people that have been there the longest carry that memory along. By term limiting people out, there is no memory. The old salts who know how things are done are gone and can't help the process. This causes more stress in the session which causes more outbursts. So, do I think term limits should be repealed? I'm not sure. I don't think they accomplished what people want and they caused problems all of their own. The ballot box itself is a good way of limiting terms.<br />n<br />nMore time before the Legislative Session. This is an interesting idea. I've always thought that less than two months to get everything ready from election to session was a little short. We only have a 90 day session every other year. Why the big rush after the election. If we waited a year there would be more time to write bills, put a budget together and for elected persons to get to know one another during off session hearings. This really sounds like something that needs to be considered. It would take a change in the Constitution to implement it but it's a good idea.<br />n<br />nWill any of these ideas stop the children from fighting when they get together? No. The children will fight if they want to. To many large egos in politics drive them to it, but some of the ideas might be worth looking at as a way to minimize tensions and have a smoother process.<br />n<br />n<strong>I follow politics, but I don't like to discuss it. Tom Araya</strong>



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