
For all the trouble I hear about getting beef into the South Korean market, it appears US beef <a href="">has increased 10 times</a> in the last couple of months so progress is being made. Then check this out.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>With the country set to discuss new standards for the beef imports with the United States as early as next month, the agony of local stockbreeders is expected to deepen further when the full-scale imports including bone-in beef such as ribs resume.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo it looks like we might increase our exports to South Korea with some bone in products. This is great news. Glad to see it. I know the drop in the dollars value has something to do with beef's strength overseas. That's the way it works and I'm not complaining. Keep that demand for beef up and ranchers should do okay for awile. <br />n<br />nEat Beef. It's good food that's good for you.<br />n<br />n<strong>All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. Martin Buber </strong><br />n<br />



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