
Sleep, what a precious commodity that can be at times. I always have trouble sleeping when it comes to certain things around the ranch here. Branding and shipping being the two things that regularly cause me sleep problems. Hell, everything can be going good and I still can't sleep because of the added stress of these things weighing on my mind, subconsciously I know, but what can I do about it?<br />n<br />nSo here I sit, unable to sleep. This time, there is more to it than shipping, but with shipping looming over my head it's only another thing causing me to toss and turn, not able to sleep. Events have conspired to throw other things in my path that has really led me to be sitting here not sleeping. I had a guy yesterday tell me that I wouldn't sleep tonight wondering about what I had done. He really hit it on the head. I didn't sleep well last night and tonight is the same. <br />n<br />nI am so tired that it isn't even funny but sleep will not come and bash me on the head. Too many thoughts and feelings are running around inside my head for me to really be able to relax and sleep. To sleep, to dream, to shut down my mind and let that rest come would be so nice, but alas, I don't see it happening tonight. Logically I know sleep will come eventually to me but right now my heart doesn't see it. It's weighed down by too much worry and wonder about what is next to see the sleep that would help me out.<br />n<br />n<strong>How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams. Bram Stoker</strong>



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