A Little Power

This story just kills me. It appears that an employee at a McDonald's in Georgia was arrested and jailed for <a href="http://www.officer.com/online/article.jsp?siteSection=1&amp;id=37799">accidentally putting too much salt and pepper in a hamburger</a>. She informs her supervisor of what happens and is told to go ahead and make the burgers. Then, unbeknown to her a police officer pulls up to the drive through and gets one of these overly salted burgers and he claims, it made him sick.<br />n<br />nYou give a person like the police officer a little power and it goes to his head. Whether the hamburger made him sick or not is debatable but the cook had no idea it would be served to him so arresting her is ludicrous especially since her supervisor knew about it. People wonder why I don't have a lot of use for our law enforcement officials. This just explains why.<br />n<br />n<strong>No one has the power, or the right, to take anything away from us. James Taylor</strong>



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