Early Harvest

I found <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/01/AR2007090101360.html?wpisrc=newsletter">this story about France's grape harvest</a> extremely interesting. I knew grapes were very sensitive to temperatures but this really talks about how they are being affected by climate change.<br />n<br />nI didn't post this to argue about global warming/climate change and whether humans are responsible for it of not. Anybody over about 25 years old in agriculture knows that things aren't like they used to be when it comes to the weather and climate and they are busy trying to adapt their operations to these changes. Just like the article talks about the grape growers looking at making changes. Are these changes good or bad? It's a fact of life. I don't know that there is good or bad to it.<br />n<br />nCan we humans do something to stop or reverse this climate change whether we are responsible for it or not? I'll be damned if I know. By living and breathing we affect things for good or bad. Hell even by not living and breathing our remains would affect things so can we change things? Maybe somebody, someday will figure out how. Right now I don't think anybody has the politically expedient answers or the scientific answer to this question. They keep finding more and more things out about climate change which then ask more and more questions about what to do to change it.<br />n<br />nSo what can I do as an agricultural producer. Keep struggling along trying to grow the food that feeds people. Keep scratching my head and wondering. I don't have an answer beyond that.<br />n<br />n<strong>Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? C. S. Lewis</strong>



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