Abrupt Change

You want to talk about an abrupt change in the weather, that is sure what has happened around here. No rain yet, damn the bad luck, but cooler weather abounds. Last week through Sunday it was low to upper 90's every day and since Monday I don't think it has gotten above 90. It's so damn cool i have to wear a jacket in the morning and keep it on till noon. That is an abrupt change. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I like the cooler temps. It's more comfortable and the fire danger is lessened. It's not over, but it is lessened. I will admit the temperatures are a little below normal for August around here so that may be why it feels so cool. Usually it is September before it drops this much. I have to laugh, because in the spring when it gets to the 70's I complain it is too hot and now it all of a sudden drops to the 70's and I feel cold.<br />n<br />nAnother abrupt change in my life is my new glasses. My new ones finally came in yesterday. I have been having trouble reading for a while now and I knew it was going to happen, bifocals. Damn, I hope I get used to these things. I had a headache all afternoon after getting them and it feels like one is coming on this morning all ready. I can at least read now but my medium distances are screwed up. I'm going to give it a week or so before I complain but this is miserable.<br />n<br />nOne last abrupt change. My son, through My darling Wife, got me an early birthday present. A lighted keyboard. I guess they got tired of hearing me complain that i couldn't see the board to type early in the morning. It sure is nice. With the glasses and the light, i can see to type. What a difference it makes.<br />n<br />nI just wish there would be one more abrupt change and rain would pour out of the sky but that is not in the forecast, damn the bad luck. I'll take the cooler weather though and suffer through the glasses and enjoy the keyboard.<br />n<br />n<strong>The more things change, the more they are the same. Alphonse Karr</strong>



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