Lucky or Good?

A little fire news for the state.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Fires scorch Montana, Yellowstone areas</a><br />n<br />nReading this I am of course more drawn to my area and how the fires that started Friday night by the same storm as our fire are doing.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Meanwhile, the largest fire in the area was considered 100 percent contained Sunday afternoon. The Okerman fire, about 18 miles south/southwest of Miles City burned about 16,000 acres of grass and timber land. Two structures were saved while fighting the fire. Crews are still there to make sure it stays contained, Lang said.<br />n<br />nCrews were also staffing three other fires in the region that were considered 100 percent contained: the Wolf Creek fire about 15 miles south of Miles City, which burned about 8,000 acres; the Maxwell fire about 50 miles southwest of Miles City which burned 1,250 acres; and the South Miller fire about 35 miles southwest of Miles City, which burned about 100 acres.</blockquote><br />n<br />nDamn, we were either lucky or good, I don't know which. Our little burn was 50-75 acres. I'm sure glad it wasn't 16,000 acres or 8000 acres. Damn, that would have been nasty.<br />n<br />nThere is still a lot of worry about fires. All week it is supposed to be 90+ degrees and later in the week a chance of thunderstorms oyt7g (that was Mittens trying to help me) which of course entails lightning. My advice is eye on the sky and quick response. Hopefully it will save the day.<br />n<br />n<strong>I know nothing, except the fact of my ignorance. Diogenes </strong>



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