Another Country Heard From

Karen has finally talked about her thoughts on <a href="">losing her cattle to the Federal Government</a>. Most of the points she brings up I raised here in my posts on this issue but I did miss a couple that she brings up.<br />n<br />nYou might remember when the State of Montana was going to <a href="">slaughter some wandering buffalo</a> and the activists made a hue and cry over the "slaughter of the bison moms and babies." They managed to get the bison cull stopped because of this. How is this slaughter different than the one happening to Karen's and the Morgan's cattle? The Government is slaughtering cattle moms and babies here instead of bison but it's still moms and babies. What makes the moms and babies of bison so special to be saved over cattle moms and babies? Pretty large double standard here is you ask me.<br />n<br />nWhat I really couldn't believe was this:<br />n<br />n<blockquote>We heard from folks crying about “what we were doing to the industry”. My father-in-law was yelled at by a “neighbor” complaining about what I was doing. He didn’t call me. </blockquote><br />n<br />nWhat a way for a “neighbor” to act. I really wonder about people. As if Karen and the Morgans were really trying to destroy the Montana cattle industry. They were just caught in a meat grinder that they had no control over.<br />n<br />nI still can't figure out why it is necessary to destroy the whole herd. When they were cleaning up Brucellosis in the country they didn't do that to a herd, they just slaughtered the ones that tested positive. Why the whole herd now? What makes this right when the government lets wildlife run around with brucellosis willy nilly and don't do a thing about it. Isn't this a double standard?<br />n<br />nPeople always wonder why I am so leery of the Government, this just shows us why. It was Reagan that said something to the effect of “the scariest thing to hear in the world is, I’m form the Government and I’m here to help." Karen and the Morgans got help all right. Not the kind they needed though, but it's the only kind of help the government knows how to "give." Take away hard working people's money, time and property for their own use and their own reason. As long as the majority of the people think such things are okay, things like this, the government helping you, will continue to happen. <br />n<br />nDon't you just love how this ends for Karen and the Morgan's then? After forcibly liquidation of their cattle, they have to pay capital gains taxes on the money the Government payed them for the cattle so that they can't buy back the number of cattle they were forced to slaughter. What a helping Hand.<br />n<br />nGo on over and give Karen your support. It's little enough in this time of crisis for her, but I'm sure every bit helps. <br />n<br />n<strong>My first thoughts are that I should not let people down, that I should support them and love them. Princess Diana</strong>