
I heard an interesting question posed recently. How many of the major decisions that you've made in the past would you change if you had the opportunity? I had to laugh at the question. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a guy quite a few years ago.<br />n<br />nThis guy, a friend of mine, was talking about how years ago he made a poor decision and how his life would be different now if he hadn't made that decision. It was one of those things that instead of quitting a job and moving on if he would have stayed on the job the eventual benefits would have been staggering and financially he would be in better shape now than he was now. He kept contrasting his situation with the guy that stayed there and kept deriding himself for the stupidity of his decision. I let him keep going on for quite a while. I figured when i sprung my thoughts on this subject on him it would do him good.<br />n<br />nI finally looked him in the eye and said this, "All the decision you've made in your life have led you to where you are today. Think about this, if you would have made any other decision than the ones you have made, you would have never met the beautiful woman you are married to and have the wonderful kids that you have. I know that your family is the most important thing in the world to you and you wouldn't have this one if you had made the decision you are talking about. Think about it."<br />n<br />nHe was quite for a long time after that and since then I have never heard him say anything about his past decisions being wrong.<br />n<br />nWould I change any of my past decisions? NOT A CHANCE!!! I love my life and where it has taken me. Could things be better? Of course they could but you deal with what you have, not look back at what you did wrong and want to change it. Looking back with regret impedes a persons ability to enjoy the present and look forward to the future. Enjoy what you have, it keeps the mind and the spirit happy.<br />n<br />n<strong>We don't change what we are, we change what we think what we are. Eric Butterworth </strong>



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